CEX Fund Bonds

What is the CEX Fund Bonds?

CEX Fund Bonds is an innovative initiative designed to support the development and maintenance of our upcoming centralized exchange (CEX) efforts!

We’re dedicating these funds exclusively to the listings of ABOND on centralized exchanges and their ongoing maintenance. This strategic move is more than just a raising effort; it’s a testament to our commitment to our community and the future of ABOND.

How CEX Fund Bonds Work

CEX Fund Bonds can be acquired using USDT. In return, you’ll receive ABOND tokens at a discounted rate. This is an incredible chance for you to be part of ABOND’s growth journey.

In line with our philosophy of stability and growth, ABOND tokens will vest linearly over 90 days. This means that as an collaborator, you can claim your tokens gradually, ensuring a seamless and controlled release into the market.

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